Hello. I’m Nathaniel, and this is my portfolio.

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This website showcases my work as a journalist, reporter, writer, book designer, and video editor.

I am a mid-career journalist with over five years’ experience in covering government, businesses, and communities, writing for The Philippine Daily Inquirer and BusinessWorld, two English-language newspapers in the Philippines. I also have experience in camerawork and video editing from stints for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Philippines) and Jutland Station.

In July 2019 I obtained the Masters in Journalism, Media, and Globalisation degree with a specialism in Business and Finance Journalism at City, University of London (United Kingdom) and Aarhus University (Denmark). This degree is part of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ student exchange programme.

I love being among the first people to know what’s going on in institutions that matter to everyone. And I love sharing that stuff–news–to the public. I love meeting interesting people, traveling to new places, seeing wonderful things, and telling these stories to people through my job.

This is what keeps me going as a journalist: being there to see and share things that the public should know.

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