Published in: Philippine Daily Inquirer
Date: June 7, 2012 (Thursday)
Page: A25
Click on thumbnail to zoom in.

I worked as a reporter for The Philippine Daily Inquirer, a nationally-circulated Philippine broadsheet, from 2012 to 2015. During this period I produced hundreds of articles as I covered various local governments in Metro Manila. My coverage remit involved not only city and barangay governments, but also local police, trial courts, communities, businesses and groups within these local governments. At times, my coverage also extended to national government agencies headquartered in these local governments.
Below you will find some of my notable output for the Inquirer throughout the years. Click on an individual item to see a preview and a link to the online version of the article.
Published in: Philippine Daily Inquirer
Date: June 7, 2012 (Thursday)
Page: A25
Click on thumbnail to zoom in.